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Search Engine Optimization

Looking to get your website on Google’s 1st page

We helped our clients to occupy the Google’s top search ranking with relevant search terms & generate organic traffic and leads.

Our dominated advanced SEO strategies that have benefited thousands of online businesses already. Take a look at our comprehensive SEO solutions and you can see why it works. Check how our startup clients (Funcart, BLINGG, TheCrazyMe, Photo Booth Templates Online, Nangia & CO LLP) are occupied Google Top ranks with highly generic keywords.

We are managing SEO for some startups website in India and ranked them with business-oriented keywords to generate organic traffic & leads. Funcart & Blingg are leading example, we boosted their sales & traffic in last 6 months.

Our affordable advanced SEO strategies and website promotion approach are FREE from black hat SEO techniques or any spamming methods, generally used by many cheap SEO companies in India who claim to offer guaranteed Top 5 or Top 10 ranking placements within a very short time period.

Our Local, National and E-commerce advance SEO Packages are scientifically designed and time tested against various SEO algorithm updates. We highly expertise for E-commerce website and offer advanced SEO strategies at very affordable price. You can compare our advanced SEO techniques with any of the leading SEO company in India.

Why choose Oranks for SEO Services India?

1. We are a respected company for SEO Services India and believe in providing quality SEO services. We are known for our ethical approach and do not guarantee magical top 10 rankings in Google and Yahoo (though almost all our projects enjoy top 10 rankings in top search engines) as promised by many seo services companies. Check out our SEO Results.

2. We were rated the TOP SEO Services Company in India for the year 2010 and #5 for the year 2009 by TopSEOs, an international authority on SEO vendors. Since then we’ve consistently featured in their list of top 10 seo companies in India.

3. We are Google Certified Partners for both Analytics and Adwords. This means we specialize in both organic Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and paid advertising (pay per click).

4. Our SEO professionals have decades of experience in providing to clients and sound knowledge of the latest search engine optimization trends.

5. With 100+ satisfied customers across the globe and a client retention rate of 97%, we pride ourselves on one of the best records for successful delivery of seo services.
No wonder, Techmagnate has created a niche for itself among top companies for SEO Services India. Sign up for one of SEO Packages and watch your keyword rankings improve.

Search Engine Optimization Services

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